Perfecting The Fit
Hello, dearest! I hope you have been staying healthy and enjoying the holiday season. I’ve been spending most of my days in comfortable sweatpants and wool sweaters, as is evident in the Blouse fitting video. I wanted to share with you some things that have surprised and excited me on the road to launch.
I want you to feel like you’re a part of this journey, and I always want to share everything that goes on behind the scenes, but the truth is, I’m terrible at capturing moments. When I’m in the zone, I’m hyper focused on the task at hand and I often forget to snap a photo or record a short video of what I’m currently working on. While I’m certainly busy working on exciting things, until the official launch of the Spring Summer 2022 collection, I don’t want to share too many things on any of the collections to come (I can say, there are 3 collections in the design stage with one of them going into sampling very soon!) It’s not that I’m keeping anything a secret just for anticipation’s sake, but I want my debut collection to not be in any way overshadowed by other works in progress. Perhaps that seems presumptuous, but the SS22 collection is the DNA of the brand, the first look at where this journey has brought us. This collection presents the brand aesthetic in a really beautiful way that I am proud of. After the brand aesthetic has been established, I think you will know exactly what to expect from BRYAN van HAUGHTON, and know when to expect surprises!
Something that my best friend and fit model Amanda really pushed me to do is using IG Live video to livestream behind-the-scenes content. The first live (still up on our IG) was of a very casual in-house fitting of our trench coat. It was a lot of fun reading your comments and getting great feedback out of it, and I’m excited to do that kind of content again soon.
That lead me to releasing the fitting video of our long sleeve blouse. A little backstory on the video: With the pandemic that we’ve all been living with, virtual meetings and fittings have taken place of in-person anything. This is actually a big relief for me as my factory is a four-hour drive away. The recorded video is what my project manager and I have found works best for our schedules and I wanted to share something that typically only the designer, fit model and the factory (patternmaker, sample maker and project manager) have access to. It’s very casual, no frills, information driven so I won’t be at all offended if you skip through some parts—trust me, I understand.
In the video, you’ll see how small changes can impact the fit and look of a design and what choices I make during fitting sessions. Most of what you hear me call out are things that I have discussed during a practice fitting Amanda and I had done earlier before filming. I hope you enjoy and get a little insight on what happens when we’re not as active on the socials!
Happy Holidays!
With love,